Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury
Arthur Murray Santa Monica
Two weeks ago, I was reading the book, The Power of Positive Leadership, by Jon Gordon. As I was reading, he said “and you might even be reading 50 books this year”. I stopped in my track, and took out my journal and wrote down his quote. I could not quit thinking about what he said!
2024 has been a big reading year for me. My sister, Debi, and I are already planning The Bible in a Year for the 4th time together in 2025, and we are both journeying through the year with a new Rosary in a Year daily plan with Hallow. We have our journals ready and our reading plans and our guidebooks all set to go.
On top of these ambitious goals, my reading list has begun to explode. I already had many Audible books purchased, Kindle books purchased, and I was pulling out all my home hardback books to organize them.
Then, I viewed a YouTube video from a lovely young lady who was in her third year of reading 50 books. I was enthralled. She was and is brilliant. I was hooked. I then looked through other videos and found she was not the only vlogger, there were many who had done the same thing.
Within a day, I fell into the Internet with the top 100 lists, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, etc., and then just like a pinball game, I went from reader to reader and their recommendations, lists and ideas.
I wrote my sisters, Joel’s mom, and many others and asked for ideas. Then, Joel’s mom, Christine, sent me links and suggestions. Her first suggestion was a book on writing by Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird. I ate it up in 3 days. I could not read it without stopping to make notes in my journal of her quotes and referrals to other writers.
Christine then sent me more links and more books. I am so thankful to her and to everyone who has given me ideas. This is so powerful, and my big sister, Frances, is helping me with my planning. She also loves to read.
My light went off last night when I could not sleep well into the night. I was thinking non-stop about how excited I was and am. This frenzy of planning and reading and getting ready for next year is more powerful than hunger, depression, anger, fear, doubt. It is overcoming things I could not overcome on my own. It is a powerful medicine for me!
So, why am I writing about “50Books25” in an Arthur Murray dance blog? The answer is simple, let dancing take a hold of you just like I’m letting this overtake me. (I’m even reading books on Ballroom Dancing and the health benefits from dancing!) Perhaps you are already an avid reader, but you need something else in your life, something more. I can tell you in my 49th year with Arthur Murray, Ballroom Dancing can be that “other thing” that will change your life. I will never quit dancing with Arthur Murray. As long has I have the ability to move and still have all my marbles, I’m going to Keep on Dancing!
Request: If you have a few books to recommend, or even a 100 Book list, please drop it my way. Please send your suggestions to with “50Books25” for David in the subject line. I’ve gone crazy with the late December books sales on the Internet and the reveals of the Books of the Year. So exciting!
Get on fire. Get excited. Let something get into your soul and let it take you over!
Read, write, dance, exercise! Love Life!
Thank you for reading and Keep on Dancing!
“Dance and Thrive in ‘25”
David Woodbury