No 46 11-16-17 Three Keys to Success

No 46 Changing Lives through Dancing
By David Earl Woodbury

Friday, November 17, 2017

Three Keys to Success!


Believe in yourself and know who you are! Let go of what others expect you to be. We all know what defines us and what makes us special and unique. My life has been spent trying to impress others and trying to live up to standards others have set for me. Now, I know what greatness lies inside of me and what I am supposed to do with my life. The only task ahead is to give back from the gifts that have been given to me. Remember, we are books and others read us by our actions not our words!



Know what you have to give, and give that to others daily. Reach out to the community around us and see where we fit in to serve and inspire others. This may come from organizing huge events to raise money, or just be good for a smile and a good word to others each day. Social responsibility is not easy, but is very rewarding. Do you have trouble with doubt or the blues? Pull yourself up and volunteer and use your energy to lead and guide others.



Know the right thing and do the right thing. This is not the most popular or easy way to live. Our lives are measured by what we do, not by what we just say. Doing the right thing is also making the best decisions when no one else is watching. I often wonder if my thoughts were viewed in a bubble over my head for all others to see, how would I change them? How would I think when listening to others or when meeting someone new? The truth is that others do know what we are thinking, and that is by our body language, facial expressions, and our responses. God help me to truly listen twice as much as I speak and to let others talk without interrupting them!


Every day I experience the passion of life. From the moment of awakening and feeding our kitties, to making a great breakfast, to planning an awesome day, to opening our Arthur Murray Franchise School and planning a life-changing day. I wish to be someone who feels all aspects of life and use these experiences to help and guide others.


As I grow to into a life of service, I pray that I remember that God gave me two ears and one mouth. I pray that I truly listen to others and take in what they say and respond to their needs. I pray for wisdom and understanding to say the right responses when others have spoken.


Do I want to be myself in life? Yes, I want to be my greatest self!


Be Yourself:  Everyone else is already taken!! – Oscar Wilde


Thanks for reading!


David Earl Woodbury

Keep on Dancing!