“When Can I Dance?”

Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury                                      

Arthur Murray Santa Monica

Many times, when scheduling a group class or a practice party for a gentleman, his main question is “Am I ready for that?”. Even more challenging is convincing a couple to attend our Newcomer Group and Dance Party. They are having 300 guests at the reception with a full live band, and other than their first dance, they cannot dance a box step, a slow dance, or any fast partnering dances such as Swing and Salsa.

I’ve seen couples come to a dance party at Arthur Murray to perform their first dance. They have a lovely polished routine, but they cannot dance any of the social dances.

They do dance their first dance in front of everyone, then they go home. My heart goes out to them hoping they will learn a little bit of partnership dancing.

So, to answer the “When Can I Dance?” question, the answer is NOW!  The couples who do join the Newcomer Dance Parties somehow dance almost every dance on their first try. Perhaps a teacher will help them. I’ve seen students helping other couples. But the couples quickly learn how to dance at a party.

When a new lady joins in a Dance Party, she will dance every dance. When a gentleman comes for his first party, perhaps after just 1 lesson, he dances every dance. All the lady students will get him up and show him how. I always say to a new male dancer, a lady would rather dance the 3 basic steps you know for 3 minutes rather than sit down for the 3 minutes. No one cares how advanced you are. NOW is the time to just jump in.

Get this, all of this is FUN and you can learn so quickly. Students always ask me when they are ready to perform their first solo dance. I say, immediately after you perform it for the first time, and you’re walking off the floor, you will want to go right back and perform it again!

Is it courage? Is it having a positive and dynamic teacher? Is it the encouragement of others that gets us on the dance floor? It is all the above. But most of all it’s first just getting on the floor and doing it.

May I suggest, schedule a first spotlight dance routine at a show. Then schedule your first Showcase. Pick your favorite dance and some rocking music that you love. Put some exciting steps to the music and then line up on the floor, walk out and perform.

If all this performance talk is too much for you right now, I understand. You may just be trying to attend your first Newcomer Group Class and Dance Party. Trust me, after attending a few groups and parties, you’ll be the one encouraging the new students and telling them your story and saying, “It’s Time to Dance Now!”.

Thanks for reading,

David Woodbury