“Always Take a Step Forward”

Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury                                       Arthur Murray Santa Monica

A few weeks ago, I was chatting with a very talented newcomer dance student. They were dancing in a foundation program and they were having a great time. In our after-lesson chat, were planning the future and then I heard these words “I’m going to take a step back”.

For a moment I was stunned. I said, “You are doing so well and have made such wonderful progress that you can see and feel, and all in such a short time”. The answer was the same “I’m going to take a step back”.

In that moment I suggested continuing for just a while longer to get through the Mood Cycle and The Curve of Learning, all that happens between the 3rd and 8th lesson. In all forms of learning, exercise, dieting, a new skill, or dancing, if you can get past the 8th session, lesson, or practice, you will be very likely to continue. That’s why gyms are packed in January and ghost towns in February. Everyone had good intentions, but not the ability to get past the first few attempts.

In all my years, I had great mentors who told me that some of my goals would take a few years to accomplish. I trusted my teachers and took their advice.

I remember my favorite coach having a meeting with me in 1978. She told me to immediately take my Gold Certification test. She then told me to move, cross country, to the largest Arthur Murray Studio in the world. Then, she planned my 2-year study to complete my Dual Standard Judges Test.

I first drove 6 hours to Montgomery, Alabama and took my Gold Certification Test. I passed with honors. Then, I moved several thousand miles across the country by myself and had 9 magical, wonderful, exciting years in that school. During those first 2 years I did take my Judge’s test and passed, also with honors.

No one along the way ever said I could not accomplish these goals. No one said I was not good enough or smart enough. I only listened to the voices of those saying, “You can do all of this”.  And I did! This coach is still my favorite coach and a dear friend after a lifetime of dancing!

In life, please avoid thinking that you will take a step back. Even if life gives you a pause, keep moving forward in your mind and heart, and only listen to the mentors you trust to guild you every step FORWARD in your life.

With much help we can arrive at the door of our dreams. We must open the door and step through the door on our own. There is no fear, just trust the dream to take you through and you’ll never look back. Take the step forward, it will change your life.

Thanks for reading,

David Woodbury