“What will the future hold for you?” 

Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury                                      

Arthur Murray Santa Monica

Recently, I was remembering my father’s life. Born in 1909 in Atlanta, GA, daddy lived to 94 and his mind was sharp, and he was still in full control of his life to the end. I visited daddy two months before he passed His only goal was to take care of me on my visit. Daddy was still a man of service and leadership to all who were blessed to be around him.

With a little math, I realized that to live as long as daddy did, I have 26 more years to live my life. My oldest sister, who is 81, said something to me years ago.  She said that my biggest mark on my life was ahead of me. That has stuck with me for many years. The funny thing is that I feel that happening. I feel a stirring inside of me and I’m acting on it. In fact, I’m doing it right now. I’m writing. Somehow the desire to write a book has

got a hold of me and I think about a lot, and my outline is done!

From heaven, my daddy is helping and guiding me and shining a light for me to see and light my path. What will the future hold for me? Since I do not know the day or hour I will move on to see my mom and dad again, I must move forward and plan and take action with all my might while I live.

I believe in hope, but I do not think that hope is a gift or is stagnant. I think that hope is something that we make, create, believe in, and work to sustain. Many think that faith and hope and belief is something that comes from a “one-time” event. That’s not true. All of that can be lost to despair unless we work on our vision, dreams, plans, goals. We are called to maintain the momentum to make our future bright.

This is what I think will happen in my life. I will keep on dancing. Dancing all my favorites, Foxtrot, Waltz, Tango, Argentine Tango, Viennese Waltz (my fav), Swing (all styles), Rumba, Cha Cha, Salsa-Cumbia-Bachata-Merengue, Mambo, Samba (love it), and the lovely dance of Bolero. I love all the Country Western dances as I’m from the South and love me some Country Swing. The International Smooth Latin styles. The only dances I have put to rest for me are the Theatre Arts dances. The only thing going over my head these days is a fly swatter. No more lifting!

I want to be that guy in his 80’s and 90’s at a dance, perfectly dressed, and able and happy to dance any dance with any partner. When I dance, I have great breath, balance, and stamina. Dancing is so good for the mind, body, and spirit. Dancing truly keeps you young and keeps you mind active and happy.

The dreams of the future have me loving to dance and loving to be around others who dance as well. As for business, as long as I am able to be an owner, to keep co-owning an Arthur Murray Franchise and to be around when Joel wants to open his second school.

I’m not worried about money and I’m not worried about being able to continue dancing. If I worry about my health, I won’t have any health left to worry about. I get up, get going, get ready and get to dancing. It is so good and does a wonder for the mind and spirit.

What’s in your future plans? Whether you are 20 or 80 reading this, do you still have a dream and a vision? I do. I must say that writing all these blogs weekly for many years is a privilege. I love writing to you my reader. It has done much more for me than I think for you. After writing a blog, I feel empowered and grateful and thankful that I have the strong desire to continue motivating through writing.

Here’s an exercise for you: Go to someone you know, or even a stranger and ask them, what is your future? What are your visions and dreams? I’ll bet that after listening to them tell their thoughts, you’ll begin to find your own future. Don’t take your one talent and bury it until the master returns. Take your ten talents and double them and then when the master returns, you will hear the words: Well done!

Thank you for reading and Keep on Dancing!

David Woodbury

Photo of sleepy Spanky, just a year old now and still growing.


One response to ““What will the future hold for you?” ”

  1. arthurmurraysm Avatar

    Who is the sweet kitty?

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