Category: Changing Lives Through Dancing!
No 36 9-8-17 Just Keep On Playing
No 36 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, September 1, 1956 Just Keep on Playing! “If you just keep playing, keep believing and have some faith, something good can happen.” – Washington Redskins coach Norv Turner, whose team became only the second in NFL history to win six games after losing the…
No 35 9-1-56 The Formula for Success
No 35 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, September 1, 1956 The Formula for Success “I can give you a six-word formula for success: Think things through – then follow through.” – Eddie Rickenbacker (1890 – 1973) American Aviator and Business Executive How true is this quote! The art of thinking things…
No 33 “Patience is passion tamed.” 8-18-17
No 33 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, August 18, 2017 “Patience is passion tamed.” – Lyman Abbott (1835 – 1922) American Congregationalist theologian For many years I never had patience. I was a ‘millennial’ in the 70’s. I wanted everything in my dancing to come to me on the first try and…
No 32 8-11-17 What is Creativity?
Photo is my lovely mom, J. Clair Woodbury. No 32 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, August 4, 2017 What is Creativity? “Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.”- Mary Lou Cook (1918) American educator Are you a risk taker? I never thought I was.…
No 30 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, July 28, 2017 Burn the Ships! In 1519, Captain Hernán Cortés landed in Veracruz. When they landed the Captain ordered his men to burn the ships. That order did not make sense to his men. Cortes knew that the only way to keep himself…
No 28 Nothing will take the place of persistence 7-14-17
No 28 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, July 14, 2017 “Nothing will take the place of persistence” “I want to remind you that success in life is based on hard slogging. There will be periods when discouragement is great and upsetting, and the antidote for this is calmness and fortitude and…
No 27 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, July 7, 2017 “Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it they will want to come back and see you do it again and they will ant to bring others and show them how well…
No 24 “If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.”
No 24 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, June 16, 2017 “If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.” – David Viscott (1938 – 1996) American psychiatrist It seems I have begun over and over many times. My life does not seem like the normal life to me.…
No 21 Reflect on your past blessings! 5-26-17
No 21 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, May 26, 2017 “Reflect on your past blessings” “Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many–not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” – Charles Dickens (1812 – 1870) English Novelist We must all have regrets and thoughts of…
No 20 5-19-17 Never Quit, Even if You Want To!
No 20 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, May 19, 2017 “Never quit, even if you want to” “You, enlightened, self-sufficient, self-governed, endowed with gifts above your fellows, the world expects you to produce as well as to consume, to add to and not to subtract from its store of good, to…