Category: Guest Referrals
“Prepare to Dance in January”
Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury Arthur Murray Santa Monica Most folks start making a New Year’s Resolution just about now. From exercising more, losing weight, learning to cook, reading daily, or being more successful at work. We all have goals and dreams in the new year. My goal is to have the…
“Thankful for Ballroom Dancing”
Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury Arthur Murray Santa Monica It’s Thanksgiving Week or 2023! Wow, I am ever thankful for my dancing and for my many years with Arthur Murray! Why am I thankful? First, I found my life’s work at 18 as a student, then pro at 19. I have stayed…
“How to Take Dance Lessons”
Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury Arthur Murray Santa Monica First Lessons for New Students First, schedule and experience your introductory lesson. Enroll on your first package of lessons. Pull out your calendar and plan for 1 to 2 private lessons a week, and at least one group and party. If your schedule…
“Dance Your Way Through the Holidays in 2023”
Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury Arthur Murray Santa Monica Oh my goodness, Halloween is over! It’s cold and it’s dark at 5:30 PM. We still have 60 more days of shorter days until December 21st at the Winter Solstice! The Halloween candy is almost gone, and Christmas is in every store. Because…
“You Must Do What You Think You Cannot Do!” quote of Eleanor Roosevelt
Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury Arthur Murray Santa Monica Sometimes I just don’t think I can do it. It’s just too much, too hard, and beyond me. The tasks ahead are overwhelming, and I do not have the strength and the energy to go forward. I’ve probably been up every hour the…
“Our 10th Year Anniversary!”
Changing Lives Through Dancing Blog by David Woodbury of Arthur Murray Santa Monica Ten years of Arthur Murray in Santa Monica have flown by! Where did they go? Suddenly, we’re hosting our 10-year anniversary party welcoming the Santa Monica Chamber, the City of Santa Monica, Downtown Santa Monica, Staff and Students! This great celebration has…
“I can’t hear what you’re saying!”
Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury Arthur Murray Santa Monica “Your actions speak so loudly; I can’t hear what you’re saying” “Your life may be the only scripture others will ever read” “You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips.”- Oliver Goldsmith “In order to attain the impossible,…
“The Still Small Voice”
Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury Arthur Murray Santa Monica What is the “still small voice?” When does it come to us? How may we hear it? How do we answer the quiet calling? In today’s world, we are bombarded by creative ads, every possible wireless way to contact us on our cell…
“It’s Time To Dance!
Changing Lives Through Dancing Blog by David Woodbury We have now survived the last three years. Illness, loss, lockdowns, we’ve seen it all. To this day I am still very thankful for the essential workers and businesses that kept up fed and healthy. For those small businesses that suffered and stayed open, it will get…
“Don’t Settle”
Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury Arthur Murray Santa Monica Many years ago, I was taught to not settle in my life. To not settle for anything but the best and to not give anything but the best. I thought that I would learn this and have a whole life of not settling…