No 6 2-10-17 “I never said it would be easy. I said it would be worth it”


No 6 Changing Lives through Dancing
By David Earl Woodbury

Friday, February 10, 2017

“I never said it would be easy. I said it would be worth it.” – Pete Egoscue (1945) Founder of Physical Therapy Method The Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion

I am always comparing myself to others. Where they are in their lives. How much money are they making, the car they drive, the home they live in. The amount of time they have off, where they travel, and on and on. Sometimes I think, “Only if…”

Then I awaken and see that I have a wonderful, perfect life and that I am fully blessed in every area of my life. That comparison demon is cruel. It makes me think my life is tough, when it truly is worthy every step of the way.


No one will admit to this sin of mine, but I’ll be honest with you. I get sad and depressed sometimes when I think of how hard the road is. Then, I think of all the things I can do that few others can do. I think of the wonderful gifts that I have been given and the sheer bravery that runs in my blood to try the impossible, daily!

“I like a man who attempts the impossible.” – J.P. Morgan

If you asked me at the last second to speak to a group of 800 people, the first words out of my mouth would be “On what subject?” I then would proudly stand in front of the crowd and tell a story of my dad, who’s inspiration and life has given me the ability to speak to others.  I then would welcome everyone and let the electricity of life that I always feel at those times, run through my mouth, body and soul until the allotted time for speaking had passed, then I would simply say thank you and tell my audience that I love them.


This is the same for dancing in front of a group of spectators. The power of life just runs in my veins. I must remember that this is a gift perhaps there is someone out there wishing they had this gift. You just can’t be envious of others.

“Dedication is simply reminding yourself what you want. Then paying the price to get it. Every day.” – John F. Groom Attitude Media Publisher and Entrepreneur

With the dogged determination that I received from my mom and dad, I also have the willingness to pay the price for what I want. Also, there is the realization that good things come in the right times, and that opportunity truly does meet preparation. I always feel that I’m getting ready for “the big moment” in my life, and then I awaken to realize that every day is that “big moment” for me!

“There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.” – Epictetus

After the Northridge Earthquake hit Los Angeles, I vowed to not worry ever again about the things I cannot control.  My house was earthquake “ransacked” in just a matter of seconds and the aftermath was surreal.  I have given up on dread of the unknown, and have turned my efforts to the things I can control in my life with my actions and my will. Don’t give up. It is worth it!


Thank you for reading!

David Earl Woodbury

Keep on Dancing!