Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury
Arthur Murray Santa Monica
Want to attract reliable people? Be Reliable.
Want to attract trustworthy people? Be Trustworthy.
Want to attract welcoming people? Be Welcoming.
Want to attract exceptional people? Be Exceptional.
All my life I have been lucky in love. I am a handful and when I was young, I knew that I needed to make some changes in my life to find the right person. Then a good friend said to me “Become the person you are looking for”.
So, I became the best I could in my career. I trained my mind, body, and spirit and I tried to excel. I learned finance and what giving service to others meant in life.
I surrounded myself with fantastic mentors. As I turned around in my life, I was circled by pillars of great people whom I wanted to be like. They were all reliable, trustworthy, welcoming, and exceptional.
So funny, many of these people, in fact most of them, are still my circle of mentors. After 49 years with Arthur Murray, many have passed. Some new mentors have joined the hallowed circle.
I had a brother who we lost tragically to Parkinson’s Disease. I did not know him as I well as I wished I had due to a big age difference. What I do know about him after is what a faithful, kind, smart, and generous person he was. He called me just before his death to share his love and pride in me. I will never forget that call and it is deep in my heart.
I have two precious sisters who are anchors in my life. My father was the hero of my life and my mother never knew a stranger. She was one-of-a-kind and I am most like her in many, many ways.
I had a partner of 16 years who died in my arms. He was one of the most generous and smart people I have ever known. Tragically lost to cancer.
Now, I am married to the kindest person I have ever known, next to my own mother. A wonderful soul in every way. He has a heart of gold and how he puts up with me, I’ll never know! I did find the person I strived to become!
There are so many great lights and mentors in my life, so with us and too many who have passed. Yes, they were all Reliable, Trustworthy, Welcoming and Exceptional.
Now, my goal in life is to pay forward the amazing instruction that all these great and wonderful mentioned above, and those in my heart. To share the art of service, the hunger for learning, the need for faith, and the joy of giving to all I am in contact with.
Truth, I am still a complete mess, but a mess who cries easily and laughs often. I still always blame myself and feel guilty (Southern born and practicing Catholic!) But I do know that if there is still hope for me to become a better person, there is hope for everyone.
To those of you who have shown me the way, and continue to inspire and motivate me, I love you and thank you!
Be Reliable, Trustworthy, Welcoming and Exceptional!
Thank you for reading and Keep on Dancing!
“Dance & Thrive in ‘25”
David Woodbury
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