Tag: Arthur Murray Santa Monica
Tip from Gaby 9-30-14 Moving Our Body!
Tip From Gaby 9-30-14 I loved this article and thought I would share it with you. Poetry in Motion Moving Our Body by Madisyn Taylor Human bodies love flow and movement and respond in kind when used in this way Our bodies love movement. When we stretch or dance, our bodies adjust, realign and start…
Make Tomorrow Better Than Today! 9-26-14
No 38 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, September 26, 2014 Make Tomorrow Better Than Today! You have to ask (what can you do that) will make tomorrow better than today?– Clothing Designer Yuki Katsuta Every morning when I awaken, I take a moment before opening my eyes and visualize.…
Aloha 9-12-14!
No 36 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, September 12, 2014 Aloha! No one’s going to do something for you, and I think that’s been the thing that’s gotten me through everything. I’ve never sat around and waited for anybody to do anything for me. If I wanted to do something, I…
Dear Gaby – What’s Next? 9-9-14
9-9-14 Tip From Gaby Now that the 30 Day Dance Challenge has concluded you are probably thinking what’s next? Well, I found that with so much information on how to improve your dancing skills at so many different levels that if we don’t go through it over and over again, you will not retain it…
What we are capable of becoming 8-29-14
No 35 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, August 29th, 2014 To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end in life. Robert Louis Stevenson There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond…
8-26-14 Tip From Gaby Last week’s top pick of the 30 Day Dance Challenge for me was: Cindy Long’s and Brent Smith on using the spine. Cindy’s exercise teaches you how to shape and keep your frame, from closed dance position to promenade. Brent Smith’s exercise rotated your spine as your foot brushes underneath your…
Being Unforgettable 8-15-14
No 33 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, August 15th, 2014 Be Unforgettable! How I love this song, by songwriter Irving Gordon Unforgettable That’s what you are Unforgettable Tho near or far Like a song of love that clings to me How the thought of you does things to me Never before…
Use Your Body to Express 8-12-14
8-5-14 Tip from Gaby Dance: Using your body to express, what does it say? I am joy, I am grace, I am sadness, I am strength, I am love, I am fun, and I am playful, I am in pain, I am like the wind and the ocean waves, the flames of an open fire…
How to be a Champion Dancer! 8-7-14
No 32 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, August 8th, 2014 How to be a Champion Dancer! We all have dreams. And we all get disappointed. We all have heartache and we suffer and work to get through it. It’s just the human condition. …So I stand here today so proud. I’m…
8-5-14 Tip from Gaby Hello everyone, I hope all of you have been tuning in to the 30 Day Dance Challenge on Arthur Murray Santa Monica Facebook and YouTube, and from our Web Page, www.DancingSantaMonica.com! Wow, what a week it’s been! From learning exercises on Swing actions, body weight transfers, poise and posture to enhance…