Tag: Dear Gaby

  • The Ideal that you Enthrone in your Heart 8-21-15

    anging L No 34. Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, August 21, 2015 The Ideal that you enthrone in your heart. The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart – this you will build your life by, and this you will become. — James…

  • Tip from Gaby 10-29-14 Touch

    Tip from Gaby 10-29-14 Touch Touch One of the most powerful ways to heal your mind and spirit is through human touch. There are so many ways to incorporate touch in our daily lives, one of the easiest being a heartfelt embrace. Just making a point to hug someone on a daily basis helps us…

  • Dear Gaby 7-22-14 Good Posture

      Tip from Gaby   Great reasons to develop good posture: 1) Efficiency Your legs and feet will work better while you dance, You will have more ease and flow from step to step. 2) Presence You will look and feel better on and off the dance floor, in the boardroom, at the gym, or…

  • Dear Gaby: The Use of Arms 4-29-14

    Gabriela Young – Coach, Judge, Franchisee 4-29-14 Dear Gaby An advice column for dancers Tip from Gaby Rhythm dancing A question many students ask is what do I do with my arms? Well, if you’re not in closed dance position with your arms up, one of my favorite arm movements is the way you would…

  • 1-24-14 “Starting without a Paper Clip”.

    David Earl Woodbury No 5: Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, January 24, 2014 “Starting without a Paper Clip”. When we signed our lease for the Arthur Murray Santa Monica Dance Center on September 16, 2013, I returned to the studio and sat on a rickety bench and a card table with…

  • 12-31-13 Dear Gaby

      12-31-13 Dear Gaby An advice column for dancers Information is not true knowledge. – Knowledge comes from experience. You can discuss a task a hundred times, go to 1000 classes, but unless we get out there and dance we will only have a philosophical understanding of dance. Find opportunities to get on the social…