Tag: Social Dancing
The Holidays 12-23-14 Gabriela Young
Tip from Gaby “The Holidays” It seems like at this time of year a lot of people start to feel sick maybe even a little tired and overwhelmed by all the things that have to get done, timeout guys! Dancing this time of year provides good health from over eating so you don’t feel tiered…
Love the Holidays with Arthur Murray 12-12-14
No 49 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, December 12, 2014 Love the Holidays with Arthur Murray Last Sunday we had the Holiday Ball with over 600 dancers and a live wonderful band. Santa came. We sang the 12 Days of Christmas and it was a Toys for Tots benefit! What fun!…
Overcoming Apathy with Enthusiasm
No 48 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, December 5, 2014 Overcome Apathy with Enthusiasm Apathy can be overcome by enthusiasm, and enthusiasm can be aroused by two things: first, an idea which takes the imagination by storm; and second, a definite, intelligible plan for carrying that idea into action.– Arnold…
Gaby’s Tea Bags 12-2-14
Tip From Gaby 12-2-14 I found this really great tip I wanted to share with you this week. Take a tea bag and put it inside your shoe dance bag with your dance shoes. It works miracles to get rid of ordors that you don’t want from your shoes. I have tried it in the…
The Truth About Dancing 11-21-14
No 46 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, November 21, 2014 The truth about dancing…It’s good for you! When I am dancing, I am happy and healthy. When I am dancing nothing hurts and there is no pressure in my life. Time stops when I dance, and when I continue to dance,…
Keep Your Feet Moving 11-18-14 Gabriela Young
Tip from Gaby Today I am going to share one of the most memorable lessons my advanced teacher gave me while I was a student. I will never forget him telling me: “Gabriela if you just keep your feet moving to the rhythm of the dance you will never be wrong!” My understanding of this…
Give Somebody a Boost! 11-14-14
No 45 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, November 14, 2014 Give Somebody a Boost! Many people believe that support is something that you give to someone you feel sorry for or that it means propping up someone who would fail unless you were there to give him a boost. But that’s…
Tip From Gaby 11-12-14 Last week my tip was for the men to keep their right hand closed while on the lady’s back, this was not just for looks but to better support your partner while trying to lead. This week’s tip is for the Ladies (followers). When you feel that hand on your back,…
Santa Monica One Year Anniversary 11-7-14
No 44 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, November 7, 2014 Our One Year Anniversary Destiny, I feel, is also a relationship – a play between divine grace and willful self-effort. Half of it you have no control over; half of it is absolutely in your hands, and your actions will show measurable…
Tip from Gaby 11-4-14
Tip from Gaby I’m going to keep this nice and simple: Gentlemen please keep your fingers closed when you have your right hand on the lady’s back. An open hand is not very stylish. A small detail goes a long way! Happy dancing everyone, Gabriela Young