“The Greatness Within. Pulling it Out”

Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury                                       Arthur Murray Santa Monica

When I am teaching dancing, my only goal is to take the dancer in front of me and find the greatness that is already inside of them and pull it out and show it them. I never think that I am truly teaching anything new to anyone. The talent, desire, ability, and commitment to dance is already there. I just have to find it and bring it to the front.

Many times, when teaching someone to dance, I will use a common action that is done is daily life and use that as a teaching aid for them. Someone says they can’t dance, and I ask if they walked in, or if they drove in. We then talk that dancing is as natural as actions we do all day, every day.

The Latin Cuban motion is the most powerful action that a leader can show in their dancing. It shows their strengths and power in dancing. For a follower, the body motion is the expression of the rhythmical music. Arm styling is “the language of dance” and the arms and hands tell the story of the dancing expressed through graceful motion.

When working on posture, I simply ask that the dance or couple stand as if they were taking a photo at a wedding. They immediately pull up and have a beautiful look. They naturally know what to do. It’s in their hearts.

Foot placement is so easy to teach. To get good Latin motion, we simply imagine digging our feet into the sand at the beach and we engage the heel, ball, and toes of the foot. For smooth dancing we discuss skating, skiing, gliding over the surface. These analogies help to show that dancing is simply a part of life.

We say ‘nose over toes” for good rhythm posture. For the smooth dances we mention having a short front and a long back and pulling up from the waist. So many of the analogies come from daily life and they easily relate to all dancers.

After many successful accomplishments from a dancer, I say that I have not taught them anything. I have merely shown them the talent that is inside of them and then introduced them to their talent within. This method of teaching has been very positive for all level of coaching and teaching. My dancing gift is to be able to watch a couple or single dancer for just a few moments, and then be able to teach them quickly and easily how to become a better dancer.

Also, I love to make them feel good about the new introduced information. My philosophy is this: I’d rather someone feel bad and look good, than for them to feel good and look bad. I am aware that changes make us uncomfortable but can make us look better instantly. It takes 30 to 90 days to make something new a habit. Yet, we can with some concentration, make a new habit work immediately and effectively.

Showing someone the greatness that lives within them is fun, magical, and life changing. It’s just like what my mom, J. Clair, taught me. She called it “Build an Empire”. She taught me when meeting someone new, to immediately see a quality that I love in them and say that to them. “I love your laughter” “You have such a genuine and warm greeting” “What an amazing handshake” “You have an unforgettable smile”.

It took me years to learn this, but I do it all the time now. I’ve met many of my life-long current friends from practicing “Building an Empire” and you can too! Try this, the next time you meet someone new, pause and see what is wonderful and great about them and say that to them. “You’re an amazing person” “I can see the greatness in you” “You are amazing” Take a moment and see that magic reaction that they will have. And you too will feel that exciting energy. Give it a try.

Stay happy. Never give up. It will get better. Find the greatness in others and in yourself.

Thanks for reading,

David Woodbury