“The Still Small Voice”

Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury                           

Arthur Murray Santa Monica

What is the “still small voice?” When does it come to us? How may we hear it? How do we answer the quiet calling?

In today’s world, we are bombarded by creative ads, every possible wireless way to contact us on our cell phones including text, emails and notifications. Our phones are going crazy all the time with beeps, bops, vibrations and flashing lights.

Cars and truck pass us on the street with huge LED screens and music advertising the latest movie. Flyers left on our cars, front doors at home, and still, the ever-present sales call on our rare land lines. It’s just too much.

Even my relaxing chair at home has a stack of my morning reading materials, my cell, a headset, earbuds, a laptop with a keyboard, the Internet connected to my Google Drive and my work and home emails and all my social media accounts, many stacks of books and magazines, post notes, a big Bluetooth speaker, several pairs of glasses, journals, many pens for notes, and several journals. I have a special place for cold and hot drinks, and even a little stool for a lazy dinner. I have my special blanket and pillows and my every present heating pad.

Sometimes when I sit down, I’m exhausted just from seeing the possibilities of information overload and productivity output. It’s amazing to even look at my chair, with fully loaded rolling carts next to it.

On hooks hang two rosaries. Many days I just stop and quietly pray each bead, or I just close my eyes, hold my favorite rosary, and practice complete silence. No thoughts, no meditation, just in the glow after completing all my prayers. It is in this silence that my life changes.

It is during this silence that I heal. It is during this quiet time that a great answer will come my way. I sometimes drift into a calm short nap. Then I awaken, take a pen and write an idea that I use for a blog, or a talk, or a message to someone. Sometimes then thought that comes to me is life-altering. Sometimes, I just arise, and I feel wonderful and go off to a great day.

Now I know that the still small voice comes to me on its own, when it wants to. I stay prepared to write what I hear before the thought slips away. At that moment, I know that a whisper has shaken me to the core. We have all been through the wind, earthquakes, and fires of live recently. Now, it’s time to hear the gentle guidance that is sent to us daily and store that message in our hearts and then let it become reality.

My prayer is that I “open the eyes of my heart” daily and that I “listen to the still small voice” each day of my life.

Oh, what was that I just heard…, that must have been a still quiet whisper. What did it say to you today? What will you do with that thought in your heart? Listen, and let it change your life.

Thanks for reading,
David Woodbury