“You Get Out of the World What You Put Into It” 

Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury                                      

Arthur Murray Santa Monica

As we dance into 2025, we are all accustomed to making our New Year’s Resolutions. What we are going to give up, change, renew, and start. There are many plans from losing weight, exercising, reading, and especially dancing!

But what about making a resolution about what we are going to put back into the world to make it a better place?

My resolution is to be a “Dream Maker” for all that I meet. I want to know what YOU want in YOUR life. What will make your dreams come true in 2025?

In today’s world, there is such a great need to be someone who will listen, support, and act to help others achieve their goals.

For Joel and for me, we strive to make our Arthur Murray Dance Center a top-notch studio. We want our students to feel safe and happy from the moment they walk inside our doors. We want them to leave dancing out the door, happy and full of great dancing.

Our studio’s motto is “All Are Welcome”. Even those who may not know how to be dream makers, they are all welcome. Our Arthur Murray Studio is a place where all may come in and not be afraid and to have the courage to learn to dance.

Outside of our studio, my give back goal is to listen to others and not over speak anyone. To take a moment and listen and take in what others are saying and give a pause and a thought before speaking. I have learned at almost 69 that words and how they are spoken and how they are delivered is of the utmost importance.

All my life I have been an over talker in a conversation. Now, I promise to myself to just listen and encourage. A tall order for someone with a big and fast mouth as myself. But I will continue my quest to use my two ears and one mouth mathematics.

I don’t know what you will do, but I pledge to make the world a better place with everyone I come in contact with by making listening first and speaking second. Also, I’m practicing my smile, eye contact, and agreement gestures to make the person feel special and heard. Who knows, I might learn something new and make more friends.

Happy New Year and Happy Listening!

Thank you for reading and Keep on Dancing!

“Dance & Thrive in ‘25”

David Woodbury