Every Great Dream Begins with a Dreamer 3-16-16 St. Patrick’s Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day with Logo

No 12 Changing Lives through Dancing
By David Earl Woodbury

Friday, March 18, 2016

Every Great Dream Begins with a Dreamer

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.   ~ Harriet Tubman

2016-03-16 11.51.37

I have dreams. Do you? I remember dreams and write them down. I watch visions deep in my sleep. They are just like watching movies. I can hear, feel, smell, and am surrounded by the dream. Many times I arise and write the dream down. Then, I dream the same dream over and over, over the course of days, weeks, months, and even years.

There’s a new dream I’ve had recently. I have just gone through overwhelm in my life and I felt crushed under the duties I had assumed. Even to the point of feeling crushed. While I was dreaming and I saw myself walking down a road and I felt amazingly free. I looked back over my shoulder and saw a truck load of belongings lying in the road.

I could see furniture, suitcases, boxes, books, and all manner of things strewn over the dusty dirt. The heavy, defeating load had fallen off of me. I was carrying nothing and I was free. Then, I awoke and I was strong, angry strong. I said “I’m going to make it” “I haven’t come this far to fail” and I was mad with strength all day.

A day later, nothing had changed in my circumstances, but I felt free! I felt strong! Now, there is a big change in my outlook. I’m not driving the junk truck. I’m not carrying the heavy load. I’m free and free to move forward to success.

Gelson's Grand Opening 3-17-16

“Life’s about friendships, the way you love your partner, the way you care for your children. That is what life is about. Not anything about earning a hundred zillion dollars because you toured America more than anyone else. I want life to be about creativity.” – Joe Strummer Former lead singer for the Clash rock band

Now the creativity is flowing again and the positive energy is not blocked. The imaginative thoughts are flowing and the light of life is shining again. In a daily dream, yes, one I dream each day, I see a funnel of energy flowing to me. It looks like a clear fire hose that a combination of light and water flow from together. I have seen this same “washing” of the light/water flowing over me for a few weeks now and it has been amazing to watch and experience.

This morning I was watching the spot of water/light flowing toward me, and someone from the back right of me said, “This is HOPE”. I was astounded. I was being washed with HOPE daily! I often see the dream of me sitting in a creek of life water. I take out my heart and wash it in the cleaning water. I cleanse my heart from any “black glass” shards (darkness) and clean my heart. Then I wash out my brain in the water (looks like a sponge). My brain washes clean and I replace it and replace my cleansed and healed heart. Then, the waters of life/light continue to flow over me. Now, I know that this is the flow of HOPE over me!

Plaid Party with Logo 3-11-16

“In every person who comes near you look for what is good and strong; honor that; try to imitate it, and your faults will drop off like dead leaves when their time comes.”- John Ruskin (1819-1900) English Art Critic

See light in others. Find out what you like in another person the moment you see them and build an empire on that goodness. You’ll find out that you are never alone and you never know a stranger.

Keep Dreaming!

David Earl Woodbury

DavidEarlWoodbury@gmail.com (email me if you like this blog)


One response to “Every Great Dream Begins with a Dreamer 3-16-16 St. Patrick’s Day”

  1. Debi Mason Avatar
    Debi Mason

    Lovely blog! Very insightful! I loved it, and thank you for dreaming and sharing your dreams!