“May the Eyes of Your Hearts be Enlightened”

Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury                                      

Arthur Murray Santa Monica

One of my favorite scriptures from Ephesians Chapter 1 “May the eyes of your hearts be enlightened, that you may know what is the hope that belongs…, what are the riches of glory…”

What does “Eyes of your Hearts” mean? How can our hearts see? How can they have eyes? 

Last year, my younger sister had cataract surgery on both of her eyes. Knowing that at around 70, in less than 2 years, I will have the same. I had been so worried about it. We are very close and stayed in touch before, during and after her procedures, and she went through both surgeries with flying colors. Easy peasy. She has given me such great courage.

She said that afterward, colors looked different and that her nighttime driving improved. Her colors were much more vibrant. Here actual vision improved, and eventually her vision reached 20/20 in both eyes. She still has new glasses for a bit of help with reading.

She is delighted with the results. I will now boldly and confidently have my surgeries; I even have my surgeon and I see her for regular visits. This makes my heart happy. This made the eyes of my heart brighter and clearer.

When I think now about my fuzzy vision and my troubles driving at night, I know to wear my best glasses, drive carefully, and know that I will have better vision soon.

How about the heart? I have had challenges with depression all my life. I have also had a lifetime of very strong highs that have catapulted my career and life. I’m either at the top of the mountain, or in the lowest valley where the darkness falls early. It’s a rollercoaster life at times. Having eyes of light is important to me.

Now going on 69, I have found a new peace of mind and peace in my life. I have discovered that hard times are not ending the world for me. That joys are to be cherished and appreciated. Seeing life clearly is essential in my life.

While writing this blog, I came upon another great scripture: Luke 11:34

34 Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness. 35 See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness. 36 Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be just as full of light as when a lamp shines its light on you.

My new project is practicing moments of silence. I have a new pair of noise-cancelling ear buds. They are so light I cannot feel them in my ears. I have learned that I can put them in with no music or podcases or audio books. I sit quietly and still. I am often in a kitty pile with at least one sweet, warm, still, sleeping cat in my arms or lap. Sometimes both kitties.

I find that I am carrying so much stress. I relax my mouth and lips and my facial muscles. My hands and feet are full of tension, so I relax both arms and my feet and legs. Then I breathe. Then I think the word “silence” over and over and then I go to a very quiet and peaceful place. Sometimes I start with one kitty in my lap, and after drifting off, I awaken with a different cat or both of them!

It’s funny, when I come out of this repose, whether it has been 5 minutes, or 55 minutes, I come to and I’m fully relaxed and refreshed. It’s at that time I reach for my to-do list and write down things I have forgotten and I post new ideas that have come to me. It’s at this relaxed moment that the “eyes of my heart” see even more clearly.

I know that depression hits seniors in a hard way. For me now, rather than fighting it, I’m releasing it. I am taking off the cataracts of the eyes of my spirit, and I’m letting go and letting any dark thoughts float away from me. My inner eyes are now clearer, and I am “seeing” with a better life.

I had a great friend named Jim. He always said, “It will get better”, and it does get better. Am I cured from the challenges of depression, well no. But am I “seeing” life in a new and better light every day. Are the eyes of my heart clearer, yes! Opening the eyes of my heart is my “cure”.

I have decided to direct my thoughts from the moment I awaken and seal them the moment I drift into sleep. It requires some work, some things that I use, a mastery of prayer and thoughts. Am I good at it, why yes, I am and I’m getting better every single day. I am consistent with filling my mind with good thoughts, and I’m careful with what I watch on the Internet and what I read.

I have the right to have peace of mind. I have the right to a quiet and calm mind and heart. Yes, I want the eyes of my heart to be bright and clear. I hope for you my reader, that your hearts be enlightened, that you have hope and riches of life. May the eyes of your hearts be bright, clear, and full of light.

Thank you for reading,

David Woodbury