Tag: It will get better.

  • “Give Life a Shimmy Shake”

    “Give Life a Shimmy Shake”

    Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury                                       Arthur Murray Santa Monica Joel Rieck and I have two lovely friends whom we seldom see in person, but we stay in close touch. Veronica and René, or as I call him “Buddy”. We have known each other for many years. For a long time, I knew that…

  • “Two More Inspirational Dance Stories”

    “Two More Inspirational Dance Stories”

    Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury                                       Arthur Murray Santa Monica My life has been full of inspirational students who changed my life. Their stories remain in my heart and they are never forgotten. Out of hundreds of incredible students, here are two more stories. I had a student who wrote in her student questionnaire…

  • “Dance Your Way Through the Holidays in 2023”

    “Dance Your Way Through the Holidays in 2023”

    Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury                                        Arthur Murray Santa Monica Oh my goodness, Halloween is over! It’s cold and it’s dark at 5:30 PM. We still have 60 more days of shorter days until December 21st at the Winter Solstice! The Halloween candy is almost gone, and Christmas is in every store. Because…