“Give Life a Shimmy Shake”

Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury                                      

Arthur Murray Santa Monica

Joel Rieck and I have two lovely friends whom we seldom see in person, but we stay in close touch. Veronica and René, or as I call him “Buddy”. We have known each other for many years. For a long time, I knew that Veronica loved to froth her cold milk. We both love cold milk, but Veronica loved it shaken.

As the years have passed, I have always had this on my mind and as a home cook, I began to shake all my liquids. From Cholula to milk, juices, sauces, anything that had liquid, I would shake it up. Then, a few years ago I began to pray for Veronica every time I shook up anything in my kitchen. Praying and shaking became a part of my life.

Now, Veronica and her whole family get a prayer from me with every Shimmy ShakeI make! I contacted Veronica some time ago and let her know that these prayers were always coming her way and she was very happy to hear about this!

During my last milk shakeup, I thought, what if I did a shimmy shake in other parts of my life. What if I took the time I was feeding the cats, washing the dishes, working in the garden, driving, waiting in a line, or just sitting quietly, to take that time to send up good thoughts to others. To pray for them. To think of them. To keep them in my heart.

There are so many friends in my life who need good thoughts. In all areas of life. For many various reasons. They need our energy and peace and light. I have the type of mind that if I don’t direct my thoughts, they tend to drift into worry, thinking of something that happened in my life that was not pleasant, and I get caught up in the “noise” of life.

If I plan my thoughts, listening to uplifting blogs and inspirational daily broadcasts, have great music on, have sweet talks with my two Rascals, Sissy and Spanky kitties, I can keep my mind flooded with light. It is at these times is send out my “Shimmy Shake” thoughts to others. I think of all those in my life who need prayer, an uplifting thought, and perhaps meditation on the good in my life.

Perhaps we can give a Shimmy Shake to someone in person. Just meet with a friend and tell them something wonderful and let them know how happy you are to see them. Tell them they look fantastic and you hope they have had a great day.

I’m going to give everyone at Arthur Murray Santa Monica a Shimmy Shake and let them know I love them and appreciate them. Thank you, Veronica, for showing me how to shake things up in my life. Love you and Buddy too!

Thanks for reading,

David Woodbury


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