Tag: Social Dancing

  • A Passionate Sense of the Potential 8-5-16

    No 32 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, August 5, 2016 A Passionate Sense of the Potential “If I were to wish for anything, I should not wish for wealth and power, but for the passionate sense of the potential, for the eye which, ever young and ardent, sees the possible…what wine…

  • Whatever you do, do it well. 7-28-16

    No 31 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, July 29, 2016 Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it they will want to come back and see you do it again and they will want to bring others and show them how well…

  • Share the Love 6-10-16

    No 24 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, June 10, 2016 Share the Love “When someone does something good, applaud! You will make two people happy.” – Samuel Goldwyn (1879 – 1974) Film Producer In ballroom dancing, on comment I dreaded to hear at the end of a performance was, “David, you looked…

  • Every Great Dream Begins with a Dreamer 3-16-16 St. Patrick’s Day

    No 12 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, March 18, 2016 Every Great Dream Begins with a Dreamer Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.   ~ Harriet Tubman I…

  • To Witness Someone’s Life 3-11-16

    No 11 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, March 11, 2016 To Witness Someone’s Life “The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.” – Jack London Tonight I said to Joel Rieck, my…

  • Optimism is Essential – February 26, 2016

    No 9 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, February 27, 2016 Optimism is Essential… “Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress.” – Nicholas Murray Butler Everywhere around us we are met with challenges. Even those who seem to ‘have it all’ have obstacles…

  • “What Lies Within Us” 2-19-16

    No 8 Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, February 19, 2016 What Lies Within Us “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson I just love to watch ballroom dancing. Young, old, professional, amateur, championships, solos, I love…

  • A Spark of Heavenly Fire 2-12-16

    No 7. Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, February 12, 2016 A Spark of Heavenly Fire “There is in every true woman’s heart a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity; but which kindles up, and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.” – Washington…

  • Miserably Fail or Gloriously Conquer! 2-5-16

    No 6. Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, February 5, 2016 Miserably Fail or Gloriously Conquer! “Some day, in years to come, you will be wrestling with the great temptation, or trembling under the great sorrow of your life. But the real struggle is here, now, in these quiet weeks. Now it…

  • Excellence for its own sake! 1-29-16

    No 5. Changing Lives through Dancing By David Earl Woodbury Friday, January 29, 2016 Excellence for its own sake! “Those who turn good (organizations) into great (organizations) are motivated by a deep creative urge and an inner compulsion for sheer unadulterated excellence for its own sake.” – Jim Collins Have you ever felt that you are…