Category: Arthur Murray
“I can’t hear what you’re saying!”
Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury Arthur Murray Santa Monica “Your actions speak so loudly; I can’t hear what you’re saying” “Your life may be the only scripture others will ever read” “You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips.”- Oliver Goldsmith “In order to attain the impossible,…
“The Still Small Voice”
Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury Arthur Murray Santa Monica What is the “still small voice?” When does it come to us? How may we hear it? How do we answer the quiet calling? In today’s world, we are bombarded by creative ads, every possible wireless way to contact us on our cell…
“It’s Time To Dance!
Changing Lives Through Dancing Blog by David Woodbury We have now survived the last three years. Illness, loss, lockdowns, we’ve seen it all. To this day I am still very thankful for the essential workers and businesses that kept up fed and healthy. For those small businesses that suffered and stayed open, it will get…
“Don’t Settle”
Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury Arthur Murray Santa Monica Many years ago, I was taught to not settle in my life. To not settle for anything but the best and to not give anything but the best. I thought that I would learn this and have a whole life of not settling…
“The Magic of Simply Asking” Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury Arthur Murray Santa Monica
Several decades ago, I was sitting at mass. I was alone. My mother had passed the fall. My life partner had recently died in my arms, my daddy had just passed away after that, and I had sold my business. It was all too much for me. I remember looking back at a group of…
“Santa Monica’s Best Kept Secret”
Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury Arthur Murray Santa Monica This October 27th, we are celebrating our 10th Anniversary Party at 928 Broadway from 6 to 10 PM. We are having a 10-year Ribbon Re-Cutting with the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce at 6 PM. We will feature professional demonstrations, food, drinks and some…
“The Greatness Within. Pulling it Out”
Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury Arthur Murray Santa Monica When I am teaching dancing, my only goal is to take the dancer in front of me and find the greatness that is already inside of them and pull it out and show it them. I never think that I am truly teaching anything…
“You’re a Slow Forgetter”
Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury Arthur Murray Santa Monica At 18 years old, I went to an Arthur Murray Studio in Nashville, Tennessee. I started off as a guest from a friend at my day job who was an Arthur Murray teacher at night. My first lesson was amazing. Dancing felt so natural…
“How to become a Showcase Dancer”
Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury Arthur Murray Santa Monica You have started dancing at Arthur Murray. Perhaps you are in a foundation program, or you have begun your Personalized Social Dance Program. What to do now? The first thing is to get plugged into your private lessons with one to two lessons…
“Keep a Song in Your Heart”
Changing Lives through Dancing by David Woodbury Arthur Murray Santa Monica Growing up in Nashville, Tennessee in the 50’s, my daddy was always singing or humming a little song. As he walked down the street, he had a cool stride and walked with a visible pep in all his steps. My mom was always singing,…